Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Ride to the Condesa Coffee Shop

The students and I were to meet a couple of people at the Condesa Coffee Shop on Friday. It was a beautiful early Spring day and I have a BFO*: let's check out GSU Bikes and enjoy a bike ride to the meeting!

The GSU Bike Shop at Touch the Earth, located in the Student Recreation Center, was happy to oblige. We did the necessary checkout in quick fashion and off we went. North to Edgewood, east to Jackson, north again to the Freedom Park Trail, and down a long block to the corner of JW Dobbs and Boulevard. Our ride was a bit more than a mile.

I could have driven everyone, but in less time than we would have walked to the parking lot, started the car, traversed the streets, and found a parking spot at the destination, we completed our ride. We all arrived alert and mentally refreshed thanks to the brief exercise. We helped decrease the air pollution burden. and we helped to relieve congestion.

It was a short, healthy trip and a productive meeting, and one that each of us is likely to remember. Why don't we step out of our normal routine and take the opportunity to practice what we preach more often?

*BFO= blinding flash of the obvious